KISS Forces Journalist to Change Iron Maiden Shirt Before Interview

Video of one of KISS's most perplexing and uncomfortable "rockstar moves" recently surfaced, and it's NOT pretty.

As the interviewer, Gustavo, introduced the 2012 segment, frontman Paul Stanley interjected to ask Gustavo why he was wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt and not a KISS t-shirt. 

"This does not spell KISS. Gustavo makes a big mistake," Stanley announces to the room.

You can watch the exchange above. 

Gustavo logically thinks Stanley is joking at first (surely KISS isn't this self-absorbed and ridiculous), but then Gene Simmons jumps into the discussion, making it pretty clear that this is something the entire band feels strongly about.

Simmons and Stanley begin looking around the room bewildered, wondering aloud if the journalist was simply angle for a free t-shirt. You'd think they had just been asked to explain how string theory works.

Finally, it's clear the interview is not going to continue until Gustavo does something about his attire. As it gets more and more uncomfortable, Gustavo essentially asks what their problem is?

"We love Steve, we love Bruce, we love Nicko, we love 'em all, but you're at a KISS concert," Stanley responds. "It doesn't show respect. You're in our house." 

Gustavo finally removes his shirt and turns it inside out.

"You look so much better," Simmons remarks.

Photo: Getty Images